Unique opportunity to visit Archibald Knox's Birthplace
Fri, 26 Sep 2014
Unique opportunity to visit Archibald Knox's birthplace on his 150th anniversary
Heritage Open Days – Archibald Knox’s Birthplace Cottage
–Open 10am - 4pm
–Archibald Knox’s Birthplace Cottage, Cronkbourne Village, Tromode
–Free to explore - donations welcome
With Braddan Parish Commissioners
Braddan Parish Commissioners will be opening the cottage in Cronkbourne Village that was the birthplace of Archibald Knox
- See more at: http://www.manxnationalheritage.im/whats-on/detail/heritage-open-days-archibald-knoxs-birthplace-cottage/#sthash.DnwehsP4.dpuf
Source: http://www.manxnationalheritage.im/whats-on/detail/heritage-open-days-archibald-knoxs-birthplace-cottage/